medical schools council

Medical School AKT - common questions

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The MS AKT is a university-led exam which means your medical school is responsible for the majority of local decisions relating to how the exam is delivered. For example, your medical school is responsible for registering student accounts, choosing the venue used to host the exam and ensuring medical students follow local university exam conditions. If you have any questions not answered on this page or the MS AKT Student Handbook, please speak to your medical school for further guidance.

1. When will medical students be sitting the Medical School Applied Knowledge Test (MS AKT)

The Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) is a two-part assessment made up of an applied knowledge test (AKT) and a clinical and professional skills assessment (CPSA) which students graduating in the academic year 2024–25 and onwards will need to pass as part of their degree. For medical schools with written finals in the penultimate year of study, the AKT element will be sat in early summer 2024.

Individual medical schools will choose when to sit the MS AKT, selecting from assessment dates that fit with local school schedules. Speak to your medical school for more detail.

2. How many papers will I have to sit?

The MS AKT is comprised of two 100-item papers which will be sat on sequential days. The questions are all written in the Single Best Answer (SBA) question format with five answer options. The MS AKT is not negatively marked.

The standard time for each paper is two hours but if you have reasonable adjustments, these will be taken into account with the timings you have as an individual. You can find more information about the content of the assessment in the UK MS AKT Student Handbook or by speaking to your medical school.

3. Is the MLA nationally ranked?

The MLA is a pass/fail assessment. The Medical Schools Council will not be using the scores from the MS AKT is for national ranking purposes. Your school may choose to use the scores of its students to award prizes and honours.

You will need to pass the MLA as part of your medical degree before the GMC will grant your provisional registration, but your MLA scores will not form part of your application to the Foundation Programme. The purpose of the MLA is to provide a common threshold for safe practice of individual graduating students.

4. Can I apply for reasonable adjustments?

Your medical school will be responsible for reviewing any applications for reasonable adjustments for the MS AKT in line with their internal policies and procedures. For more information on how to apply, speak to your medical school.

Paper copies will not normally be provided for the MS AKT. You can read the full policy for more detail.