medical schools council

Education Policy Groups

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Education Leads

Each medical school has staff who specialise in education. It is they who manage the curricula and make sure that graduates are able to meet the needs of their future roles as doctors. The heads of medical education from member medical schools work together as the Education Leads.

Areas of work include:

  • Curriculum mapping
  • Criteria for reasonable adjustments
  • The introduction of the Medical Licensing Assessment
  • Making clear the value and benefits of a career in certain areas, such as general practice, according to workforce needs

Education Leads meets three times a year and is led by the chair of the Medical Schools Council Education Sub-Committee, which is Professor Steve Riley, Dean of Cardiff University Medical School.

Digital Education Group

The MSC Digital Education group was established in 2022 to bring together e-learning practitioners and those with responsibility for curriculum design and decisions across the UK medical schools to:

  • Lead the discussion of effective digital education that medical schools face, thereby acting as a platform to advise the Medical Schools Council (MSC) and their member schools.
  • Update members on current work-streams across UK medical schools, sharing effective practice and lessons from experience, and things that have not worked.
  • Discuss digital pedagogic effectiveness and innovation to improve educational effectiveness and student experience.
  • Share software and hardware solutions and requirements, providing opinion on their efficacy and sharing expertise on their use with a view to improving educational efficacy and fiscal efficiency across the sector as a collaborative group of users.
  • Act as a centre of expertise, bringing together the collective experience of our membership to benefit the UK medical schools.

Read the MSC Digital Education Group's report on 'Hybrid' working in medicial schools.

Education for sustainable Healthcare

The Education for Sustainable Healthcare group, under the umbrella of the MSC, was established in 2023 to facilitate the sharing of good practice in implementing education for sustainable healthcare within all Medical Schools in the UK, a requirement of the GMC’s Outcomes for Graduates.
In particular, we align our efforts to the MSC Education for Sustainable Healthcare curriculum. The group supports a network of educators advancing education for sustainable healthcare in their school and aims to facilitate sharing of teaching resources which can be adapted to individual contexts for rapid implementation of this new curriculum.

The Medical Schools Council hosted a special conference for all UK medical schools in October 2021 on Education for Sustainable Healthcare and Planetary Health. Authored by SanYuMay Tun and Theresa Martin, the MSC Education Leads Advisory Group reviewed and endorsed the curriculum in April 2022.